Pensive Pervert (incomplete as it presently is) exists to host a handful of erotic short stories. I also intend to host audio-versions of these short stories, and possibly some erotic photography & art (in time). And, of course, there’s the option to contact me.
- 4 short stories are live [despite still awaiting a final review/edit]
- 0 short stories are pending [almost live]
- 2 short stories are in-progress [both fairly early along]
- 1 novella is in-progress [approaching completion, slightly delayed]
- 10-15+ stories are in-limbo [awaiting substantial edits or total rewrites prior to posting]
Also in progress/planning:
- Updates to Contact/Form functionality
- 2 works of Cover Art (each for a different story, and from a different source – one using digital art, one using a real model)
- Additional site development/growth via WordPress (clearly this remains a work in progress)
- Audio-versions of each live story – admittedly, this is a second or third tier project/goal
- Erotic photography – more of a ‘hopeful-planning’ than ‘in-progress’ endeavor, but am hoping to eventually host a limited portfolio of erotic photography/art